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1998 s10 1
1998 s10 2
1998 s10 3

1998 Chevy s10 Known As California Dreamin’


The Ride: 1998 s10 known as California Dreamin' 2 pumps 10 batteries, 10 switches, boxed and reinforced chassis, extended control arms, chain bridged.

The Owner: Justin Miller / VP Mixed Emotions Car Club

The Story: I've been into cars since I was a kid. I started building models with ink pen springs under them to make them "hop" when I was about 10 years old, before I'd ever laid eyes on a real lowrider.. I've been hooked since.

I put hydraulics on my first s10 in a buddies driveway in 99 or 2000 with very few tools and a Lincoln arc welder..

I'm 45 years old now and don't plan on giving up lowriding anytime soon 😂

The Car Club: Mixed Emotions Car Club


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